Friday, March 23, 2007

Ridin' the rollercoaster

It's been a rollercoaster three weeks at the new job for me. Why did I use rollercoaster to describe it? Well, you know how rollercoaster rides are. Let me show you how I felt...

First you go to the amusement park. Then you try out a few rides. Then you spot the ROLLERCOASTER. Your eyes light up, you're so enthused about getting on it. You patiently join the long queue of people waiting to board the rollercoaster. You see the people getting off it. Some look like they've just had the best time of their lives, others look like they just saw what they last ate and didn't like that sight very much. You hear the screams of the people on board the rollercoaster and you start to feel tingly with excitement.

Then it's your turn. You climb into the waiting rollercoaster car, the operators tells you to fasten the seatbelt. They exchange knowing looks. Ah yes, yet another dumb person who doesn't know what he/she is getting into. You're still excited at this point of time and don't see the glances. Or you choose to ignore it.

Then slowly, the ride starts. It leaves the platform and loops around a gentle curve and you think, "No sweat! I'm gonna enjoy this.". Then it strains to climb the steep slope before the first downhill slide. You're bored, hanging over the side and looking forward to see what's next. But all you see is blue sky ahead of you and suddenly your tummy feels like it's just dropped out of your body. Whoah! As the first scream leaves your mouth, the ride plunges down down down and whips around another curve that slams you into the side of the car. You start to think, "Hey, it looked much tamer down below..." and then the ride starts to slow... You think, "Maybe it wasn't so bad, and maybe I shouldn't have screamed like a girl."

The ride slowly cranks up another hill, and the scenario repeats itself.

Yep, I'm alternately bored for ages and then stressed for short, short periods of time with a tummy aching drop and a scream trapped in my lungs (I am in the office after all, so primal screaming sessions are not allowed nor encouraged *wink*).

Thank goodness another week's over. My wobbly legs would like the weekend, thank you very much.

9 spins:

L B said...

Weekends are terrific for wobbly legs, and you should treat yourself to a toffee apple too! No, Miss Anne Hathaway?

kyh said...

chup first. will be back later. ;)

Chen said...

so chi kek...

Chen said...

hope next week will be a better one..
no more roller coaster ride ;)

kyh said...

rollercoaster is such a chi kek ride! how can it be bored? LOL LOL!

anyway, wish u all the best in ur future undertakings!

rainbow angeles said...

♫♫We found love,
So don't hide it
Life is a rollercoaster,
Just gotta ride it
I need you,
So stop hiding
Our love is a mystery
Girl, let's get beside it

Give it a coupla months and then see how?

*brings Birthday Cupcakes*
Happy Birthday Auntieeeeee!!!

may said...

rollercoasters are fun as long as you know how to stand up straight after all that tumbling about, yeah? hope your feet find ground after awhile at work, and then all "rides" are just child's play to you... :)

happy weekend to you!

zewt said...

hey there,
thank you for your well wishes. the support from fellow bloggers have been tremendous.

rinnah said...

l b: 5 weekend chups for you!

My wobbly legs are very much well rested now! Wots a toffee apple? *blur*

kyh: 3 chups added to your total!

*waiting, waiting*

chen: 1 chi kek chup for you!

Agreed - rollercoaster rides are so chi kek. 0.0

chen: I hope so too... but the rollercoaster operator is my boss... so...

simple american: LOL! I shall proceed to the loo and scream the next time!

Thanks! *blush*

kyh: Ahhh... but it's only chi kek when you're going downhill and whizzing around the curves!

Thanks, wish you well in your future studies too!

angel: Wheeee! *joins Angel in singing along to Ronan Keating*

I'm trying real hard to hang on...

Oooh! Birthday cupcakes for Mum! Tengkiu! You're so sweet to remember...

may: I really hope that I'll get used (immune) to it pretty soon. It's quite battering emotionally...

Happy weekend to you too! (what's left of it by now... Heh heh.)

zewt: Thanks for stopping by. It's just what we can do for a fellow blogger. Thank you again for sharing it with us.