Okay, all you Craig fans out there, just shoot me now. *grin*
I rewatched a bit of Casino Royale during my recent holiday (we were chillin' out in the evening) and it so happened that the movie was at *that* part where Craig attempts to do a Halle Berry and walks out of the sea clad in nothing but his baby blue Speedos. (What? Cannot be observant har? LOL.) See, I'm so nice I put a refresher picture here for you too. ;oP
For the 101th time, I've tried my darndest to accept a blond Bond but I just cannot bring myself to accept that. Bleh. For that reason and that reason only, I kind of get put off watching Bond movies. (Eh, I have watched almost every Bond movie ever made, 'k. Blame it on my dad, the Bond franchise fan.) Guess that explains why I've never been able to complete watching Casino Royale. After like five minutes, my brain just goes, "Waittaminute... that's not Bond! Bond's not supposed to look liddat..."
But seriously, what is it with people's obsession with Craig and that particular scene? Is it because he broke the unwritten and unspoken gender rule that only females get to do the bikini scene? Naw, didn't think so. It's because of his body. But hor, IMHO, nothing much to look at la. I've seen nicer. *giggles* On television and on the movie screen la! What were you thinking? *piak*
Think Will Smith. Much, much better looking any day. Or Hugh Jackman. Mmm. But the guy that takes the cake has gotta be Colin Firth. Oh, Mr Darcy! Who else can make women swoon while fully clothed? Lawl.
Tell me I'm not crazy weird and that Daniel Craig (and his bod) are overhyped? Gee...
Monday, March 31, 2008
I don't fancy Daniel Craig
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12 spins:
To me Daniel Craig is the worst Bond. I think even Colin Firth would have been a better Bond than him.
Oklar! Oklar! I'm just jealous of his body lar! Ken or not!?
Gimme Pierce Brosnan!!
Well, Craig David DOES hv the bod, u know... neh, even adrian oso jeles... ;)
Ho Ho Ho.. I might have agreed with you that Craig might.. I stress might.. not make the ideal Bond, but Firth?!!! Firth could make the comic relief part aka Rowan Atkinson, but as Bond?!! Come on! Firth has his niche roles, but surely not Bond.. But I do like the idea of a black Bond.. Will Smith, yes! Then again, Smith has such a sweet look. How could he kill in cold blood? No, no, Craig has done a great job..
But he got a good body le.. :P
I don't like him, and he doesn't have that James Bond's charm. I prefer Pierce Brosnan and Sean Conory.
Got a leetle bit of spare tyre there, I see...
One of Kenny Sia's readers did mention that Craig's chest looked so weird... u see it's not 2 bulks but one whole chunk liddat... not weird meh? And oso the spare tyre...
I seriously think that mine's better than his. LOL.
P/S: geezz I'm the one who doesn't *admire* *jeles* of his bod here. :P
bahahahahaha!i think u were looking at that than the movie lor. cos when i watch movie, i don't observe those stuff lar. :P
Brosnan was a great Bond. Craig? Bleh too!
How was your holiday? Was it fun?
See, I told you it's the hot bod. For the record, I'm straight as arrow.
adrian: Kakaka... you're jelus of Craig's body? But it's nothing to shout about mah...
angeles: Hear hear! Though I did think that Brosnan is a bit pretty-boy. No lah, I don't dig Craig's body. Too tubby. Hahaha.
l b: I didn't mean Firth as Bond la. -_-" How ever did you interpret it as that?
keeyit: No le... I don't think so worrr...
doreen: Oh yes! Connery was THE Bond of all times.
giddy tigress: Yes! Finally someone noticed! How can he have a hot bod with a spare tyre?
kyh: Now that you mention it... I always wondered what was wrong with his chest.
ehonchan.com: You're a guy! Of course you wouldn't notice such stuff. Unless you're... *ahem*
andie summerkiss: Yeah! I prefer Brosnan over Craig anyday. I loved my holiday in Medan & Lake Toba! Pictures to come...
narrowband: :-P Not hot leh! Dunno what you people see in his bod.
Hey its great if less ppl like Craig, more for me then! wakakakkakakaka
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